In Bed With A Stranger – 再见·枕边人

HK Drama Online, watch hk drama, In Bed With A Stranger, Hong Kong TV Series, Cantonese Drama
This drama “In Bed With A Stranger – 再见·枕边人” is about in Hong Kong, if someone goes missing for seven years, their family can legally declare them dead. Just as the production company boss Yang Wansen (played by Ma Dezhong) decides to move on from his missing wife Gu Qingtian (played by Wong Chi-man) of seven years and marry his steadfast confidante Zhu Shanmei (played by Zhang Xiwen), his son Zhiqian’s biological mother Qingtian unexpectedly reappears! Qingtian, who lost her memory after a cliff fall and ended up in a distant place, returns to Hong Kong seven years later with the help of lawyer Jin Changsheng (played by Luo Tianyu), intending to recover her past memories. Qingtian resumes her former job as a journalist and discovers that her disappearance years ago may have been caused by foul play… Meanwhile, Wansen finds himself torn between his new love and his old flame, fearing Qingtian’s memory recovery could unleash irreparable chaos…

在香港,一個人失蹤七年,其家屬可申請該人在法律上死亡。正當製作公司老闆楊萬森(馬德鐘 飾)決定放下失蹤七年的妻子顧晴天(黃智雯 飾),和一直扶持自己的紅顏知己朱善美(張曦雯 飾)舉行婚禮之際,兒子志騫的生母晴天竟現身眼前!晴天因意外墮崖失憶流落外地,在律師金長勝(羅天宇 飾)幫助下,七年後重返香港,打算尋回過往記憶。晴天重操故業當上記者,竟查出當年自己的失蹤似是有人加害⋯⋯另邊廂,萬森面對新歡、舊愛兩難全,更怕晴天回復記憶,讓事情變得一發不可收拾⋯⋯

(Source: TV Drama List – In Bed With A Stranger)

Other Names: 再見,枕邊人, In Bed with Stranger, Zai Jian, Zhen Bian Ren, Mo Lu Zhen Bian Ren, Joi Gin, Jam Bin Yan, 再见,枕边人, 陌路枕边人, 再见枕边人, 再見枕邊人, 陌路枕邊人
Release Date: 26 February 2024 – 29 March 2024
Language: Cantonese
Genre: Romance, Mystery, TV Series, HK Drama
Running Time: 25 Episodes
Director: Liu Chun Shek (廖晉碩)

Stars Cast Name / Relationship
Joe Ma (馬德鐘) 杨万森 Sam,心声制作有限公司老板兼合伙人,前记者,顾晴天之师傅兼前夫,杨志𬸣之父,朱善美之男友,鲁正辉之好友
Mandy Wong (黃智雯) 顾晴天 晴天,记者,心声制作有限公司员工,杨万森之徒弟兼前妻,杨志𬸣之母,因一宗事件而失忆及失踪七年,后追查自己失踪背后的真相
Kelly Cheung (張曦雯) 朱善美 Rachel,公关公司负责人,朱贤达之女,杨万森之现任女友,表面圆滑大方,实际上颇有心机及算计
Frederick Cheng (鄭俊弘) 凌振声 Alex,富二代,心声制作有限公司合伙人,张国强之子
Joey Law (羅天宇) 金长胜 事务律师,流氓律师,行为邋遢但热心助人,陈晋久之好兄弟,追求顾晴天
Tsui Wing (徐榮) 鲁正辉 心声制作有限公司员工,探访主任,杨万森之好友
Cheung Kwok Keung (張國強) 商界大佬,凌振声之父
Maverick Mak (麥秋成) 陈晋久 天狗,古惑仔,金长胜之好兄弟
Nicole Wan (尹詩沛) 韩晨曦 家庭主妇
Harry Lau (劉宸熙) 杨志𬸣 杨万森、顾晴天之子

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